A Great Long-lasting Roofing Material

Metal roofs are our specialty here at C&M Roofing. Metal roofs are ideal for homeowners who want a long lasting product. Many of these products are rated to last 50 years, compared to the average shingle that’s rated for 30 years. They’re stylish, durable, low maintenance, and can be installed quickly.

The Benefits of Metal Roofs

Long life-spans

Stylish & durable

Fast installation

We often see homeowners choose metal roofs after they’ve dealt with shingle damage for years. They’re generally lower maintenance and can add significant resale value to your home.

They’re quite durable, and you can choose a lower gauge, thicker product which is even more durable. Metal roofs are great options for windy areas like southern Alberta and the Crowsnest Pass, but also snowy areas like Fernie, Waterton, and Cranbrook.

It’s true that they’re one of the more expensive roofing materials because they’re labour intensive to install, but if you get them installed by an experienced roofing crew like us, it definitely brings the cost down.

We can get the job done quickly because of our experience working with the products. Proper installation is particularly important for metal roofs; there are certain skills and tools that are needed. Let us know if you’re considering a metal roof for your home and we’ll answer any questions you may have.